Friday, January 1, 2010



with my more then normally insane semester, im gonna be putting this idea on the backburner unfortunately, I got down a very cool ending for this, and plan to one day finish this thing, maybe in the summer, depending on my schedule then


Unknown said...

yoo.. so gonna drop a few comments on this wip.. personally i'd drop another edge loop in right where each of the appendages meets the body, they're a bit mis-shapen right now but i think an edge loop will tidy 'em up nice like. Second, get some soft/ hard edges going on in that chin area. its a nice start, and i know its early, i'm just giving you some early crits to get you on the right track. btw though real cool idea and looking forward to seeing it implemented. Good luck man!

Arsen Arzumanyan said...

sweet thanks for the comments, i kinda just took a snapshot without thinking that it was in smooth mesh mode, all my other ones wips will be just normal polygonal lol